PITECO CBC is a PITECO solution for an efficient Financial Transactions communication management of a Company to its domestic/international bank system.
This application allows:
Automation of the complete authorization workflows:
Guaranteeing the fulfilment of the internal procedures and corporate organizations
Simplifying the traditional authorization procedures
Improving the time necessary to collect authorizations inside complex organizations
Using the most modern systems of communication and authorization
Safe management of all Financial Transactions:
One-system centralization of all payment authorization procedures (payments, electronic receipts, etc.)
Storage in a unique database of all transferred Financial Transactions
Safe dispatch of all Financial Transactions to the bank system
Digital signature on the Financial Transactions
Tracking the state of progress of the instructions sent to banks.
This application requires an installation of PitecoCBC Server component.
Corporate Banking,Workflow Payment,Treasury,Payments authorization,Signature,Dematerialization